Dying light steam fix
Dying light steam fix

According to the figures over on SteamDB, the all-time peak for. For those just looking to finish the main story and side quests, Dying Light 2 is said to be around 80 hours long, with roughly 20 hours needed to finish just the main story. Dying Light 2 has only been available for 24 hours, and its concurrent users figure has already smashed the original games numbers. Pilgrimspeople who travel through the unforgiving, post-apocalyptic worldserve as a connection between the enclaves, carrying resources and valuable information. Prior to launch, Techland boasted of Dying Light 2's 500-hour completion time, before clarifying that the lengthy playtime would only be for players who sought to complete 100% of the game. After the Harran virus had taken over the world, humanity found refuge in the last few settlements still standing. The game will receive balance changes as well, though Techland didn't dive into detail on what those changes will look like.Īs for when some of these updates will be arriving, Techland states that a hotfix for the console versions should be coming in the middle of the week at the latest. Copy and paste the line below inside the text box: /nolightfx.

dying light steam fix

Dying light steam fix series#

Xbox Series X users will be getting a 60fps variable refresh rate mode, and all versions of the game will receive additional backup save options and the ability to enable English voiceover, even if the local language isn't English. In the General tab, you will find a text bar for Launch Options. Techland is also looking to introduce some new features to its open-world zombie RPG as well.

dying light steam fix

Iq2pLxqf4h - Dying Light February 6, 2022 Your anti-virus is another reason why the game is crashing at launch as it could be blocking the game’s. Launch the game it won’t crash at startup. Right-click Dying Light 2 in Steam > Properties > type /nolightfx under Launch Options and press OKJ.

dying light steam fix

PS gamers - we will be submitting a new Hotfix by the middle of next week at the latest. One fix for the Dying Light 2 crash at launch issue is using the /nolightfx parameter.

Dying light steam fix